Spotted OwletAll cottages enjoy a verandah with inviting chairsJungle stories are swapped between guests dailyCottages are river-facing or paddy-facingAll shower bathrooms are en-suite Wild Water BuffaloCapped LangurWatch for birds or scan for animalsOver 57 species of birds that visit the areaHoolock GibbonDiphlu River LodgeCrimson SunbirdDining with Asian ElephantEnjoy grassy paths and bamboo walkwaysDiphlu River LodgeMorning and afternoon safari opportunitiesGreater AdjutantCottage interior
TigerGame Drive accompanied by a naturalistCottages are raised and made of natural materialsDiphlu River LodgeIntermediate EgretGreat HornbillNo fencing between the Park and the LodgeCapped LangurSwamp Deer Diphlu River Lodge - BedroomGreater One-horned Rhinoceros