Falkland Islands | Sub-Antarctic Islands

Featured destination image for Falklands blog

The Falkland Islands should be best known for their extravagant Southern Ocean wildlife! In particular, seabirds – about 70% of the planet’s Black-browed Albatross population nests on these wild islands. Lying on your back on the rolling hills cloaked in tussac grass, with hundreds of albatross soaring above you is certainly one of the most remarkable wildlife experiences on our planet. These are exquisite birds, with snow white heads, delicately shaded “black-brows” and large, heavily hooked yellow and pink bills. They hover effortlessly overhead, using the updrafts that blow off the Atlantic ocean – the ultimate hanging mobile for wildlife enthusiasts! The islands also shelter the highest number of Gentoo breeding pairs in the world and King and Magellanic penguin rookeries abound. Commerson’s Dolphins are particularly playful and pretty and can be viewed easily from Stanley.

This is the first stop on our epic 21 day Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica expedition and one of the reasons we recommend taking your time in getting to Antarctica (rather than the shorter “Antarctica express” trips which skip the Falklands and South Georgia)!

 Enquire here  to experience the power of conservation in action with us.

For some travel inspiration view our Antarctica brochure, including our Falklands, South Georgia, Antarctica itineraries.

Warm regards from Simon, Jen and the Bellingham team


  • Falkland Steamer Duck
  • Cobb’s Wren
  • Black-browed Albatross
  • King Penguin
  • Southern Rockhopper Penguin
  • Magellanic Penguin
  • Gentoo Penguin


  • Southern Elephant Seal
  • South American Fur Seal
  • South American Sealion
  • Orca
  • Peal’s Dolphin
  • Commerson’s Dolphin

Photo credit: Simon Bellingham