Financial Protection

Bellingham Safaris is a member of SATSA (the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association) which requires that all members abide by a strict code of conduct which strives for ethical behaviour in the tourism sector of Southern African. Any party that chooses to use a SATSA member as a supplier can be assured of the highest level of service and the eradication of malpractice in any transaction. We are bonded with the SATSA Bond, which deals with losses incurred by any customer as a result of a member being placed under involuntary liquidation. The SATSA Bond is administered by Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited under policy number GR13/40920/671/01.
SATSA contact:
Virginia Modau
SATSA Membership Consultant
Southern Africa Tourism Services Association (SATSA)
Tel: +27 11 886 9996
Fax: +27 86 680 0503